Website Authors
Of course, The Fiction Workshop would not be complete without authors. While the Website author also puts their writing up here, other authors are welcome.
This is the connecting page for the authors that have work available on this website. Below this link on the home navigation there will be a page for each author to introduce themselves, what and why the create. From from there each publication has a page under the publications tab as well as an entry under the sales page.
If you are interested in placing your writing on this website, send web links, a little bit about yourself and a writing sample to the business email on this website under contact us. We welcome all new writers. Please read and take a note of the site ethos before you do submit and see what this means to you. Work published here will fit in with the site ethos, so this is important to pay attention to as this is what work will be reviewed under. This could be fitting into the ethos, or exploring what happens when the site ethos, or the underlying spiritual laws are broken. It must have some form of speculative or mystical component together with this, or perhaps a moral or philosophical component. In some way, it has to have a reflection or meaning on the site ethos, mission statement and spiritual laws available in the Ethos and Mission statement available under the home tab.